
External Link Button


External Link Button allows users to open a new window/tab with external resources when the button is clicked.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
URI Location of external resource
Title Title displayed inside the addon
Image Image displayed inside the addon.

This property allows online resources. Find out more ยป

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
show --- Shows the addon
hide --- Hides the addon

CSS classes

Class name Description
external-link-button-wrapper DIV surrounding the button element. The button element is a child of this element
external-link-button-element The element's base class
external-link-button-image Class for the image (IMG) element
external-link-button-title Class for the text (SPAN) element

Note: The link is an ordinary <a href=""> element and the <a> tag is located between external-link-button-wrapper and external-link-button-element layers.

Demo presentation

Demo presentation contains examples of how to use the External Link Button addon.