
Dedicated screen reader

Despite several new options addressing the generic screen readers (Heading module, language definitions, screen reader alternatives for maths and scientific formulas, etc.) mAuthor offers its own screen reading assistive technology integrated with the created content. This approach provides by far a better user experience and comfort comparing to generic screen readers. Two-layered logic provides information about the role of every module on the page first, and then the content of a selected module can be accessed. The solution offers synthesis of alternative texts for visual elements as well as multi language and mathematical formula support.

The order of navigation depends on the modules' position in the Text to Speech addon.
To turn on (off) the dedicated screen reader, a user has to use a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter. Navigation between modules is done using Tab and Shift + Tab keys. To activate a selected module, press Enter, to deactivate it press Esc.

Space induces interaction with the activated module.

If navigation inside a module is possible, it is done using the Tab, Shift + Tab, and Arrows keys.

Keys Shift + Right Arrow skip to the next page, Shift + Left Arrow return to the previous page.

Once a module has been selected, pressing Enter will usually read the contents of the selected element or of the entire addon (in the case of the button addons pressing enter will instead click on the addon). The exact functionality depends on the addon in question.

If the contents of the addon are very long, it can be more convenient to move between and read individual sentences. In order to do so, you may use Alt + Left/Up Arrow to move to the previous sentence and Alt + Right/Down Arrow to move to the next sentence. The screen reader will always begin with the first sentence of the content and will remember the currently selected sentence until those key combinations are used in a different context or you move to a different page.

The dashed module border means that the module is selected but not active.

Text to Speech addon fully supports the check answers mode. Thanks to this solution, users who are blind or visually impaired have full information about their answers.

When the dedicated screen reader is turned on and users select the "Check answers" button, they get the information on how many answers they got correct, how many answers were wrong, and what their percentage result for this page is. What is more, the page is blocked for edition and by navigating through the addons every answer can be checked (users get the information if the given answer is correct or not).

Before editing the answers, the "Check answers" button needs to be deselected.
Text to Speech addon also supports the show answers mode. When users select the "Show answers" button, the page is blocked for edition and by navigating through the addons users can view the correct answers.

It is essential that screen reader users can find new dynamically-added content. One type of such content is addon Feedback, which changes its state in response to user's actions.
mAuthor's dedicated screen reader reads the contents of Feedback addon immediately after it changes its state. Feedback addon also informs the user if this information is shown because a wrong/correct answer has been entered.

You can find the list of modules supported by the dedicated screen reader and some additional information in the documentation.