XML structure
File: structure.xml
Description: This file contains all the important information about the course structure.
1) course - document root, attributes: name - course name
2) chapters - container for all chapters described in a course
3) chapter - single chapter, a chapter can include other chapters as child nodes, attributes: chapter-id - id of current chapter, name - chapter name
4) lessons - container for all lessons placed in a chapter
5) lesson - single lesson, attributes: lesson-id - id of current lesson, name - lesson name, url - this is an URL to fetch lesson
6) ebooks - container for all eBooks described in course
7) ebook - single eBook, attributes: ebook-id - id of current eBook, name - eBook name, url - this is an URL to fetch lesson
8) resources - container for all resources placed in eBook
9) resource - single resource, attributes: resource-id - id of current resource, which is one of the lessons contained in this course, page - page index on eBook
10) hotspots - container for all hotspots placed in eBook
11) hotspot - single hotspot, attributes: type - type of the hotspot ( for example: video, image ), coordinates - coordinates of hotspot on eBook page ( format: x1:x2:y1:y2 )
Additionaly, a zip file contains folders named with the folloiwng pattern: content-id - content-name. These folders contain XMLs which are content descriptors.
File: structure.xml
Description: This file contains all the important information about the project structure.
1) project - document root, attributes: title - project title
2) space - this describes a space which can has other spaces as child nodes, attributes: id - id of current space, rank - this describes a place in hierarchy with other spaces on the same level, title - space title
3) content - single content/lesson, attributes: id - id of current lesson, name - lesson title, url - this is an URL to fetch lesson
Additionaly, a zip file contains folders named with the following pattern: content-id - content-name. These folders contain XMLs which are content descriptors.