
Automatic Feedback


Automatic Feedback displays feedback messages automatically, in response to user input.

Each Automatic Feedback addon should be coupled with another addon and will display an appropriate message based on the changes in that addon's state. The message will be displayed either immediately or when the user presses the Check Answers button. It is possible to configure a different message based on whether the answer is correct, incorrect, partially correct, or if no answer was provided.

The feedback message may be displayed either within the body of the Automatic Feedback addon, as a tooltip appearing next to the appropriate item of the coupled addon (or the addon itself in case of the Default activity type), or as a popup. Additionally, it is also possible to display a button first and only show the user the main message when it has been pressed.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
ActivityModuleID ID of the addon to Automatic Feedback is to work with
Activity Type Either the type of the addon specified in the ActivityModuleID (such as Text, Choice, etc.), or Default if the addon type is not supported. If this property is not set, Default will be used.
Correct Feedback Variable length list of elements containing two fields. ActivityItem specifies an element of the addon (for instance, a gap in a Text module). Feedback specified what message should be displayed when the answer in the specified element is correct.
Incorrect Feedback Variable length list of elements containing two fields. ActivityItem specifies an element of the addon (for instance, a gap in a Text module). Feedback specified what message should be displayed when the answer in the specified element is incorrect.
Empty Feedback Variable length list of elements containing two fields. ActivityItem specifies an element of the addon (for instance, a gap in a Text module). Feedback specified what message should be displayed when there is no answer in the specified element.
Partial Feedback Variable length list of elements containing two fields. ActivityItem specifies an element of the addon (for instance, a gap in a Text module). Feedback specified what message should be displayed when the answer in the specified element is incomplete, but not incorrect.
Display Specifies how the feedback message is to be displayed: within the Automatic feedback addons body ("block"), as a tooltip next to the element ("tooltip"), or as a popup ("popup")
Display Feedback Buttons When set to true, the addon will initially display only a small button, and only when it has been pressed the full feedback message will be shown.
ReactTo Specifies in response to what event should the feedback message be displayed. If set to "Script", feedback will not be displayed automatically and instead needs to be triggered using commands.
lang Attribute Specifies the language used by the TTS while reading the feedback.

ActivityItem format

The activity item property can be used to specify an item or a range of items within the addon. In order to select a single item, simply input it's number (the order of items will depend on the specific addon), e.g. "3". In order to select a continuous range of items, input the first and last number separated by a dash, e.g. "5-7". It is also possible to join several separate items or ranges of items by using commas, e.g. "1,3,5-8,10-15".

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
displayFeedback item, type Displays the correct/incorrect/empty/partial feedback for the specified item. Type argument should be one of the following values: "correct", "incorrect", "empty", "partial". Item argument should be a number coresponding to the selected element.
readFeedback item, type Reads the correct/incorrect/empty/partial feedback for the specified item using the TTS addon. Type argument should be one of the following values: "correct", "incorrect", "empty", "partial". Item argument should be a number coresponding to the selected element.
displayAndReadFeedback item, type Displays the correct/incorrect/empty/partial feedback for the specified item as well as reads it using the TTS addon. Type argument should be one of the following values: "correct", "incorrect", "empty", "partial". Item argument should be a number coresponding to the selected element.
isAllOK --- Returns true if all connections are made correctly and there are no mistakes, otherwise false.
getCorrectFeedbacks --- Returns a dictionary containing all correct feedbacks. Individual numbers corresponding to the items in the module Automatic Feedback is working with are used as keys, while the default feedback uses 'default' as key. If no correct feedback has been specified for an item with a particular number or if no default correct feedback has been set, it will be ommited, even if other types of feedback have been provided for it.
getIncorrectFeedbacks --- Returns a dictionary containing all incorrect feedbacks. Individual numbers corresponding to the items in the module Automatic Feedback is working with are used as keys, while the default feedback uses 'default' as key. If no incorrect feedback has been specified for an item with a particular number or if no default incorrect feedback has been set, it will be ommited, even if other types of feedback have been provided for it.
getEmptyFeedbacks --- Returns a dictionary containing all empty feedbacks. Individual numbers corresponding to the items in the module Automatic Feedback is working with are used as keys, while the default feedback uses 'default' as key. If no empty feedback has been specified for an item with a particular number or if no default empty feedback has been set, it will be ommited, even if other types of feedback have been provided for it.
getPartiallyCorrectFeedbacks --- Returns a dictionary containing all partial feedbacks. Individual numbers corresponding to the items in the module Automatic Feedback is working with are used as keys, while the default feedback uses 'default' as key. If no partial feedback has been specified for an item with a particular number or if no default partial feedback has been set, it will be ommited, even if other types of feedback have been provided for it.

CSS classes

Class name Description
correct-feedback DIV surrounding the feedback message or the button, when the answer is correct
incorrect-feedback DIV surrounding the feedback message or the button, when the answer is incorrect
empty-feedback DIV surrounding the feedback message or the button, when there is no answer
partial-feedback DIV surrounding the feedback message or the button, when the answer is incomplete, but not incorrect
automatic-feedback-dialogThe main element of the tooltip and the popup message
automatic_feedback_buttonThe Display Feedback button