
Image gap


The Image Gap module is an empty box that should be filled in with a relevant item (image) from the Image Source module. Each gap and each image are separate modules – Image Gap and Image Source, respectively. In order to indicate the correct answer, it is required to put the ID of the appropriate Image Source module in the "Answer ID" section of the Image Gap module.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Answer ID This property serves for inserting the ID of the Image Source module which is the correct answer for this module.
Is activity This property allows defining whether the Image Gap module is an activity or not. When it is not defined as an activity, the answers given are not taken into account in the overall result. It is helpful e.g. for simulations.
onCorrect This property indicates the events sent when the gap's state is changed to correct.
onWrong This property indicates the events sent when the gap's state is changed to wrong.
onEmpty This property indicates the events sent when the gap's state is changed to empty.
Is Disabled Allows disabling the module so that the user is not able to interact with it.
Block wrong answers With this option checked, wrong answers are removed, and the "on wrong" event is sent.
Add container for response mark Attach a new HTML element for the response mark, when checking answers is active. The element overlays the Image Gap.
Speech texts Sets the values of speech texts - predefined phrases providing additional context while using the module in the Text To Speech mode. Speech texts are always read using the content's default language.

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
markGapAsCorrect index – 1-based gap index in text Marks the gap as correct.
markGapAsWrong index – 1-based gap index in text Marks the gap as wrong.
markGapAsEmpty index – 1-based gap index in text Marks the gap as empty.
isAttempted Returns "true" if the gap is filled in.
disable Disables the module.
enable Enables the module.
getImageId Returns the image ID in the gap.
isAllOK Returns "true" if the image in the gap is correct.

Show Answers

This module is fully compatible with the Show Answers module and displays correct answers when an adequate event is sent.

CSS classes

Class name Description
.ic_imageGap Indicates the look of the Image Gap.
.ic_imageGap-filled Indicates the look of the Image Gap with an Image Source placed in it.
.ic_imageGap-correct Indicates the look of the Image Gap with a correct answer.
.ic_gapImage-wrong Indicates the look of the Image Gap with a wrong answer.
.ic_gapImageFilled-disabled Indicates the look of the disabled Image Gap.
.ic_gapImageFilled-empty Indicates the look of the Image Gap with an empty answer.
.ic_imageGap-correct-answer Indicates the look of the Image Gap with the correct answer displayed.
.ic_imageGap-mark-container Indicates the look of the response mark container.
.correct-container Indicates the look of the response mark container on the correct answer.
.wrong-container Indicates the look of the response mark container on the wrong answer.
.disabled-container Indicates the look of the disabled response mark container.


2.1. Image gap
cursor: pointer;
border: 2px solid #d5dddf;
background-color: #fdfbf2

2.2. Image gap filled
cursor: pointer;
border: 2px solid #d5dddf;
background-color: #fdfbf2;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #406d93;

2.3. Image gap filled — correct
border: 2px solid green;

2.4. Image gap filled — wrong
border: 2px solid red;

Demo presentation

Demo presentation showing how to use the Image Gap module.