
Uploading assets

mAuthor offers the possibility of uploading assets used in a single lesson both outside and inside the editor.

To upload the assets without opening the editor:

  • select the Assets tab on the Lessons details page,
  • choose the Select file to upload option and then select a relevant file from your computer. You can upload a single file here or a zip archive containing all your necessary assets that will be extracted immediately,
  • click the "Open" button.

Note: While uploading the assets package, please remember that the zipped assets cannot be in a folder.

A zip file can contain a text file with all names and types of assets. It allows to automatically assign the resources to their corresponding names and types so that they could be easily found later in the editor.

Such a file must be named mimetypes.txt, otherwise, it won't work properly. Data format in this file must be as follows:

file_name, mime_type
file_name2, mime_type2

For example:

a1.jpg, image/jpg
big-buck-bunny_trailerWebM.webm, video/webm
gizmomp4.mp4, video/mp4
ogaExample.oga, audio/oga

As you can see, each pair "file_name, mime_type" needs to be separated with a new line.

Note: To upload a new asset, the lesson cannot be open in the editor.

In the editor you can import relevant assets directly through the Properties menu of the relevant module. For example, in the Image module go to the "Image" property, click "Choose File" and select the required image stored on your computer.