Pseudo Code Console
The Pseudocode console allows executing pseudocode and defining correct output for checking answers.
You can select code from Programming Command Prompt or by calling executeCode from JS.
The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.
Property name | Description | ||||||||
Functions list | A list of functions' definitions for the user. The user can use these functions in his/her code.
Methods list | A list of methods for each object defined in a pseudocode console.
Default aliases | Change or translate a built-in instruction name. | ||||||||
Exceptions Translations | Change or translate built-in exceptions. | ||||||||
Is not activity | Disable scoring for a module. | ||||||||
Run user code | Run the last received code and pass the input defined in the "run parameters" property for the running code. If this property is deselected, then the last entered input will be passed for the running code. | ||||||||
Max time for answer | Maximum time (in seconds) for executing the user's code which was run while checking answers. If "run user code" property is selected, then this property is required. While checking answers, the lesson will be frozen. | ||||||||
Run Parameters | A list of parameters which will be passed to the console while running a user code. | ||||||||
Answer code | Java Script code which will be run after executing a user code, if "run user code" property is selected. If not, it will be executed instantly while checking answers. As actual scope answer code will receive "builtIn" variable with saved data.(see 1.1 for built in statistics and 2.1 for examples). Code defined in Answer Code property should return true if a user code works properly or false. | ||||||||
Available Console Input | Available input in console which can be inserted by the user. | ||||||||
Math Precision | Number of decimal places for math calculations. |
Language syntax
The language is similar to Pascal. All variable definitions are extracted to a separated variable block and a user can't define any new variable in a code.
- variable block block which contains all variable definitions for a function. Variables should be separated by a comma. Variable block is always optional. If variable block exists, then this block must be in a separate line.
variable <variable_name1>, <variable_name2>=<variable_start_value>, ..., <variable_nameN>
function testFunction ()
variable a,b
program testProgram
variable a,b = 2
- array block block which contains all arrays' definitions extracted to a separated block. A user cannot define a new array variable in the code.
array <variable_name_1>[<size_as_number_1>], <variable_name_2>[<size_as_number_2], ..., <variable_name_n>[<size_as_number_n]
array <variable_name_1>[<size_as_number_1>] = [<value_1>, <value_2>]
* Arrays are counted from 0.
program A
array a[2], b[3], c[20]
program A
array a[2] = [1, 2]
get array element
Math and logic operations are available:
>: greater >=: greater or equal <: less <=: less or equal ==: equal !=: different or: logical or and: logical and ( ): brackets for operations order +: addition -: substraction /: division /_: division without rest *: multiplication %: modulo
string starts with " and ends with ". In string " can be escaped by \" characters.
"This is \" still string"
instruction each line can contain only one instruction call expected instructions calls as a call argument.
<instruction_name>(<argument1 or function call>, <argument2 or function call>, ..., <argumentN or function call>)
- Instruction name must match with [A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* regexp.
code block block which contains code instructions.
begin <code> end
- Begin and end instructions always must be in separate lines.
- main function is function which will be called first.
program <program_name> begin <code> end
- Each program must have one and only one main function.
- Program name definition must be in separate line.
program programName
program programName
variable a,be
- function can be defined by user in pseudocode.
function <function_name> (<argument1>, <argument2>, ..., <argumentN>) begin <code> return <data> end
- Function header definition must be in a separate line.
- Return statement is optional. If function doesn't contain return, then at default it will return 0. Return statement must be in a separate line.
- Defined functions must be at the beginning of the code.
- An instruction name must match to [A-Za-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* regexp.
function test ()
variable a, b
a = someCode()
function test2(a, b, c)
b = anotherFunction()
return b
- if statement executes code when expression will return true.
if <expression> then <instruction_call or code_block>
if <expression> then <instruction_call or code_block> else <instruction_call or code_block>
- "If" instruction definition header must be in a separate line.
- "Else" instruction is optional and must be in a separate line.
if a == 2 then
a = a + 2
if a == 2 then
a = a + 1
if a == 2 then
return 2
return 1
- case allows improving code clarity by changing multiple "if" statements to one case statement. The program will enter to the option code if a variable value is equal to an option value.
case <variable_name> option <number_or_string>, ... , <number_or_string> then <instruction_call or code_block> option <number_or_string>, ... , <number_or_string> then <instruction_call or code_block> ... option <number_or_string>, ... , <number_or_string> then <instruction_call or code_block>
- "Case" instruction definition header and "option" instruction definition header must be in separate lines.
- "Case" option value can be a string or a number.
case someVariable
option 1 then
print ("Block")
print ("Is cool")
option 2,4 then
option "3" then
print("3 as text")
for allows iterating in the range of <from_number_or_variable; to_number_or_variable>.
for <variable_name> from <number_or_variable> to <number_or_variable> do <instruction_call or code_block> for <variable_name> from <number_or_variable> to <number_or_variable> by <number> do <instruction_call or code_block> for <variable_name> from <number_or_variable> downto <number_or_variable> do <instruction_call or code_block> for <variable_name> from <number_or_variable> downto <number_or_variable> by <number> do <instruction_call or code_block>
- "For" instruction header must be in a separate line.
- "To" can be value or variable.
- "for" with "downto" statement will decrement counter.
- "for" without "by" statement will increment/decrement by 1.
for myVariable from 1 to 40 by 4 do
- while loop allows executing the same code while expression returns true.
while <expression> do <instruction_call or code_block>
- While header definition must be in a separate line.
- Expression will be checked before executing code.
while a <= 5 do
a = a + 1
- do while works similar to while instruction. Main difference is when the expression is checked.
do <instruction_call or code_block> while (<expression>)
- In do while loop, expression will be checked after executing a code so the code will be always called.
while(1 == 2)
- method call
<object_name>.<method_name>(<argument1>, <argument2>, ..., <argumentn>)
Functions defined in Functions list property contains in builtIn.console
console object. This console gives the possibility of reading input from console and writing to console. Example access to console is builtIn.console.Write("text");
Console functions:
- Write(text)
- ReadLine(callback), where callback will receive text as first argument
- ReadChar(callback), where callback will receive text as first argument
Ready console wrappers for Functions List property
Usage in user code:
var receivedValue = arguments[0]; builtIn.console.ReadLine(function (value) { builtIn.retVal.value = builtIn.objects.String.__constructor__(value); });
Usage in user code:
variableToRead = read()
var receivedValue = arguments[0]; builtIn.console.ReadChar(function (value) { builtIn.retVal.value = builtIn.objects.String.__constructor__(value); });
Usage in user code:
variableToRead = readChar()
Supported commands
Command name | Params | Description |
show | --- | Shows the addon. |
hide | --- | Hides the addon. |
stop | --- | Stops executing user code. |
executeCode | code | Executes passed code. |
The Pseudocode Console addon sends ValueChanged event when the score has been calculated.
Field name | Description |
Item | all |
Value | N/A |
Score | New score |
CSS classes
Class name | Description |
addon-PseudoCode_Console-wrapper | Main DIV element surrounding console. |
pseudoConsole-console-right-element | Text container on the right side of a cursor. |
pseudoConsole-console-left-element | Text container on the left side of a cursor. |
pseudoConsole-console-cursor-active | An active cursor element. |
pseudoConsole-console-cursor | Cursor element. |
pseudoConsole-console-container | DIV element surrounding all lines. |
1.1 Answer scope and "builtIn" variable in functions defined in Functions list property
Answer scope and variable "builtIn" in functions defined in Functions list property are the same. So, saving data in function like: = arguments[0]
will be visible in answer (for example: this.wroteValue === 'ok'
Answer scope contains additional property calledInstructions
where addon automatically will count how many times instruction was called. This object contains fields:
for: <called_count>,
while: <called_count>,
doWhile: <called_count>,
if: <called_count>,
case: <called_count>
Each field of calledInstructions
will be incremented when built-in instruction will be called in user code. For example, after executing this code:
program test
variable a
a = 2
if a == 2 then
then in answer code this.calledInstructions.if
will equal to 1.
For loops calledInstructions
will contain how many times loop executes code. For example after executing this code in answer:
program test
variable a
for a from 1 to 4 do
then in answer code this.calledInstructions.for
will contain 4.
1.2 Variable object
Each variable in language is a JS object.
value: <value>
type: "<type>"
methods: used by language
parent: used by language
Creating new variables should be done by builtIn.objects
object which contains all builtIn objects. For creating a new variable __constructor__
function must be called (for example builtIn.objects.Number.__constructor__(2)
Built in types:
- Object
- Number
.__constructor__(<Optionally start value, if not defined then will receive 0>)
- String
.__constructor__(<Optionally start value, if not defined then will reveive "">)
- Boolean
.__constructor__(<Optionally start value, if not defined then will receive false>)
- Array
.__constructor__(<Required count as number;>, <Optionally start values as array of valid pseudocode console objects. At default array will be empty (null objects)>)
There is no way to convert one type to second, so while receiving value from a user, checking type should be added manually.
To functions defined in the Functions list or methods defined in Methods list property argument is passed as reference, so while changing argument value, the original value will be changed too. In
arguments[0].value = 2;
new value of first argument will be visible in user code, but
arguments[0] = {value: 2};
wont be visible in user code.
To functions defined by user arguments will be passed as copy.
1.3 builtIn object:
object is available in any function defined in Functions list property and in any method defined in Methods list property.
The same builtIn
object is provided for each function or method, so if builtIn object was changed while executing function a
then while executing function b
this object will contain changed values.
object fields:
- console object which contains access to user console.
- data object, which is initially empty. In this object data to be checked while checking answer should be saved. Saving data in data object must be done manualy in functions defined in Functions list property or in methods defined in Methods list property.
- retVal object which contains returned value by function defined in Functions list property or method defined in Methods list property. Saved value to return should be set in
field inbuiltIn.retVal
object. - objects reference to constructors of built in objects.
1.4 Return value:
Returns value from function or method that is provided as reference in builtIn.retVal
object. To return value, value
field in buildIn.retVal
must contain correct object. For example:
builtIn.retVal.value = builtIn.objects.String.__constructor__("'" + this.value + "'");
If function returns value, then the type of this object must be the one of the built-in types.
2.1 Answer example
For addon with activated run user code and Run parameters: 227 and 9956, defined functions in Functions list:
builtIn.console.ReadLine(function (value) { if (/^\d+(.\d+)?$/.test(value)) { builtIn.retVal.value = builtIn.objects.Number.__constructor__(value); } else { builtIn.retVal.value = builtIn.objects.String.__constructor__(value); } });
printSum (here is saving answer in scope)
var answer = arguments[0]; = answer.value; builtIn.console.Write(answer.value + '');
and defined exercise as: "Write the sum of two numbers with the 'printSum' function".
For checking the correct answer, the valid code would be:
if ( == 10183) {
return true;
return false;
In this code we can check how many times built-in function was called with this.calledInstructions
Demo presentation
Demo presentation contains examples showing how this addon can be used.