


Iframe allows embedding any HTML content into a lesson. It is possible to link an online website or to upload an HTML file and all its resources so that offline playback is also possible.

See also: Iframe animation controlled by Advanced Connector

(On this page you will find a description of how to create an "avatar", an animated character that can react to the user's answers, give feedback, or provide hints to an activity, and how to control an animation inside the Iframe module.)

Online mode

If you want your content to be accessible only online, you can simply provide a link to your site that will be displayed in the lesson in the "Iframe URL" property. Modules configured this way will not work in offline applications like mLibro.

Offline mode

For the Iframe to work offline:
1. Upload the resources in the "File list" property (if there are any),
2. In the main HTML file, change the URLs of your resources to the paths from the "File list dictionary".
3. Upload the main HTML file to the "Index file" property.
When using this method, please leave the "Iframe URL" property empty.

Uploading a ZIP file

It is possible to upload a ZIP file in the "Zip file" property and the contents will be extracted and added to the presentation automatically. Once the extraction process is finished, the user is notified by email. During the lesson's export, all contents are automatically added to the exported package and can be viewed on an LMS platform like mCourser or in an offline application like mLibro. It is also possible to specify the index file of the package, which can be different than index.html. This means that the same ZIP package can be used in many Iframe modules, and a different index file can be used in those modules – they can share the same common set of files.
Example: Your package can have multiple folders, and the main file is named "start.html" located in the "example" folder. For the module to work properly, you must fill the "Index html location" property with "example/start.html". If the same package also contains another folder e.g. "demo" with a different set of files, you can use the same ZIP file in another module (you can copy and paste or duplicate the page) and simply change the "Index html location" property to "demo/init.html" etc.

Communication with the Player

Your HTML site can communicate with the player, send and receive messages, react to the Check Answers Button, etc. using JavaScript. More details are presented below in the API section.
Please make sure that your HTML and JavaScript code meet the HTML5 standards and are free of errors before uploading them to mAuthor.

Memory and browser stability

Wrong usage of DOM operations or event listeners in scripts may cause memory leaks or browser crash. The script authors are responsible for memory leaks and browser stability.

Fixing memory leaks

The best way to detect page changes and free the memory is to use MutationObserverService and release the memory.

In the run method, add the following call:


Ensure that the addon includes a cleanup method; otherwise, the call is unnecessary.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Iframe URL An address of a site to be loaded. This site is loaded to Iframe and has a greater priority than the Index file.
File list A list of files used in the Iframe source.
Property name Description
Select File Enables adding the Iframe site resources.
ID A unique file ID.
Index file A site file to be loaded. The Index file is loaded to Iframe if its URL is empty.
Communication id ID used to communicate between the module and Iframe (must be unique in a lesson).
Allow Fullscreen Enables the fullscreen view.
Alternative text This text will be read by the Text to Speech module after the user performs a certain action.
Index html location If the ZIP file was provided in the Zip file property, this property must determine the location of the main file that will be loaded in the Iframe, e.g. "start.html" or "examples/demo.html", etc.
Zip file A ZIP file with HTML contents to be extracted and loaded.

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
show --- Shows the module if it is hidden.
hide --- Hides the module if it is visible.


The Iframe module sends a ValueChanged event when the state has been updated.

Field name Description
Item N/A
Value N/A
Score N/A


To validate the communication, the site must send messages and scores with a strict structure.

1. IframeScore structure

Name Description
pageCount Page count.
checks Actual checks count.
errors Actual errors count.
mistakes Actual mistakes count.
score Actual gained score.
maxScore Maximum score to gain.
scaledScore Score after scaling.

1.1 IFrame score example

    pageCount: 3,
    checks: 5,
    errors: 1,
    mistakes: 4,
    score: 23,
    maxScore: 30,
    scaledScore: 23 

2. Message Structure

Name Description
id Communication ID.
actionID Action name.
params Send strict parameters by module or Iframe.

2.1 Message without params

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "STATE_REQUEST",
    params: {}

2.2 Message with params

    id:  someCommunicationID,
    params: {
        iframeScore: exampleIFrameScore,
        iframeState: {
            imagePosition: 2

2.3 Action id list:

Name Description
SET_WORK_MODE Set work mode.
RESET Reset.
STATE_ACTUALIZATION State update with Iframe score and Iframe state.
STATE_REQUEST Request for state.
SHOW_ANSWERS Show answers.
HIDE_ANSWERS Hide answers.
FILE_DICTIONARY_REQUEST Request for file dictionary.

Iframe to module communication examples:

Action id Description Response action id
Send the actual Iframe state to the module.
If iframeState is undefined, the module updates only the iframeScore.
No response
STATE_REQUEST Request state from the module. STATE
Request file path dictionary from the module. FILE_DICTIONARY

3.1 State actualization example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    params: {
        iframeScore: exampleIFrameScore,
        iframeState: imageIndex

3.2 State request example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "STATE_REQUEST",
    params: {}

3.3 File dictionary request example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    params: {}

Module to Iframe communication examples:

Action id Description
STATE_ACTUALIZATION Send the actual state from the module to Iframe.
If the module does not have the iframeState, the iframeState is undefined during the update.
SET_WORK_MODE Iframe should start the work mode.
SET_SHOW_ERRORS_MODE Iframe should show all errors.
RESET Iframe should reset itself.
SHOW_ANSWERS Iframe should show answers.
HIDE_ANSWERS Iframe should hide answers.
FILE_DICTIONARY_ACTUALIZATION Send actual paths dictionary with id (don’t use paths from the File list property!).
CUSTOM_EVENT Send custom event to handle events from the Iframe in Advanced Connector.

4.1 State actualization example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    params: {
            iframeScore: exampleIFrameScore,
            iframeState: imageIndex 

4.2 Set work mode example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "SET_WORK_MODE",
    params: {}

4.3 Set show errors mode example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    params: {}

4.4 Reset example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "RESET",
    params: {}

4.5 Show answers example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "SHOW_ANSWERS",
    params: {}

4.6 Hide answers example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "HIDE_ANSWERS",
    params: {}

4.7 Dictionary example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    params: {
        fileDictionary: {
        "Ball : "/file/1234124/",
        "Car" : "/file/5311341/"

4.7 Custom event example:

    id: someCommunicationID,
    actionID: "CUSTOM_EVENTS",
    params: "SOME_EVENT"

AC code:




Other Examples

5.1 Start listening for messages:

window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
}, false);

5.2 Send message function:

function getOpener () {
    var parent = null;
    if (window.parent != null && window.parent.postMessage != null) {
        parent = window.parent;
    if (window.opener != null && window.opener.postMessage != null) {
        parent = window.opener;
    return parent;

function sendMessage (messageID, actionID, params){
    var parent = getOpener();
    if (parent != null) {
        if(params == undefined) {
            params = {};
        var newMessage = {id : messageID, actionID : actionID, params:params};

Demo presentation

Demo presentation showing how to use the Iframe module.
Example code contains an example of index.html, resources, and scripts presenting how the module can be used (Please save as a .zip file).
Example code 2 contains an example of index.html with scripts presenting the possibility of saving the addon's state.