


This module allows adding the timer to a presentation.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Mode Here you can choose a mode you wish to use: a Timer will count time from the defined value to 0, a Stopwatch will count time up from zero.
Time Time in MM:SS format (it can also be H:MM:SS). This property is optional for the Stopwatch mode.
Immediate start If selected, the timer will start on page load.
Send event every second If selected, the addon will send a ValueChanged event every second.
Show hours If selected, the addon shows an hour.
Enable reset If selected, the reset command will reset the addon, if not the addon will not react on any reset.


The Timer Addon sends the ValueChanged type events every second if the “Send event every second” option is selected.

Field name Description
value MM:SS (or H:MM:SS)

When in the timer mode the time reaches zero, an event is also sent.

Field name Description
value end

When in the stopwatch mode the time reaches the value defined in the “Time” property, an event is also sent.

Field name Description
value time

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
show --- Shows the addon.
hide --- Hides the addon
reset --- Resets the addon (if the option “Enable reset” is selected).
getTime --- Returns the current time from the addon in MM:SS format (or H:MM:SS).
addTime time Adds to the current time the given value (in seconds). Negative value reduces the time..
setTime time Changes the current time to the given value (in MM:SS or H:MM:SS format).
start --- Starts the timer.
stop --- Stops the timer.

CSS Classes

Class name Description
.timer-wrapper DIV containing the whole addon
.hours SPAN containing the hours part of the time
.minutes SPAN containing the minutes part of the time
.seconds SPAN containing the seconds part of the time
.separator SPAN containing the separator
.hour-separator Additional class for the separator between hours and minutes
.minutes-separator Additional class for the separator between minutes and seconds

Demo presentation

Demo presentation contains examples of how this addon can be used.