
Experience API (TinCan)

mAuthor offers the possibility of exporting each presentation's resources individually to a package that implements the Experience API SCORM Profile. These packages can be later imported back to the platform in case of any emergency event.


To perform the export, select the "Export xAPI/offline" option from the drop-down menu Export in the top-right toolbar. The presentation export will run in background, and you will receive a notification email when it is completed. Click on a given link, choose a name for your file, and save it to a convenient place on your computer.


Check the "Importing" section for SCORM Packages.

Package size

Check the "Page size" section for SCORM Packages.

xAPI SCORM profile package contents

Appart from the standard contents of our SCORM Packages, the xAPI package contains the following:

  • tincan.js – a client library implemented by RusticiSoftware
  • xapi.js – Experience API SCORM Profile implementation on top of tincan.js provided by Learnetic SA
  • index.html – an example of how to embed the whole lesson and send proper xAPI statements

xAPI SCORM profile package initialization

This article defines the allowed methods of launching and initializing the xAPI SCORM Profile. Our solution provides capability to launch "Web-Based Activities" which basically allow the setup through the URL encoded parameters and "Out-of-Band Configuration" by configuring the xapi.js library itself on initialization.

The following parameters are configured by default during export:

  • lessonIRI
  • lessonTitle
  • lessonDescription

The following parameters need to be configured by LMS using one of the methods below:

  • endpoint
  • actor
  • courseIRI
  • entry
  • attemptIRI (if entry is 'resume') – see Supporting the SCORM Temporal Model
  • optionally: auth or username/password
  • optionally: courseTitle
  • optionally: courseDescription

For more information on the above mentioned parameters, please refer to Experience API SCORM Profile, TinCan JS and the following reference on xapi.js.

xapi.js Reference


Provides the xAPI convenience class for initialization and usage of tincan js. It helps to prepare and send xAPI statements that conform to the SCORM Experience API profile



Kind: inner class of xAPI

new xAPI(cfg)

xAPI convenience class for initialization and usage of tincan js. It helps to prepare and send xAPI statements that conform to the SCORM Experience API profile. ( Constructor Initializes xAPI SCORM Profile implementation. This implementation depends on the availability of TinCanJS library ( and has been tested with TinCanJS build 0.33.0.

Param Type Description
cfg Object Configuration
[cfg.attemptIRI] String Needs to be provided if this is a resume attempt action.
cfg.courserIRI String Uniquely identifies the course.
[cfg.courserTitle] String Recommended if not provided in params.
[cfg.courseDescription] String Recommended if not provided in params.
cfg.endpoint String LRS endpoint URL
[cfg.auth] String Authorization token for the LRS, will be passed in the "Authorization" header.
[cfg.username] String If no auth token is provided username and password will be user in basic auth.
[cfg.password] String If no auth token is provided username and password will be user in basic auth.
cfg.lessonIRI String Uniquely identifies this lesson in the scope of the course.
cfg.lessonTitle String
cfg.lessonDescription String
cfg.entry String "ab-initio" or "resume" Object Identifies the user that attempts this lesson within the scope of the LMS. Object Recommended if not provided in params. String User origin, usually location of the LMS. String User identifier.



Kind: inner method of xAPI

xAPI~configFromParams([cfg]) ⇒ Object

Composes cfg object trying to take values from GET params, using defaults if provided, for most values. Others such as lesson description should not be passed through GET params, due to it's length.

Kind: inner method of xAPI
Returns: Object - Config object with parameters fetched form the GET params.

Param Type Description
[cfg] Object Default configuration
[cfg.attemptIRI] String Needs to be provided if this is a resume attempt action.
[cfg.courserIRI] String Obligatory if not provided in params.
[cfg.courserTitle] String Recommended if not provided in params.
[cfg.courseDescription] String Recommended if not provided in params.
[cfg.endpoint] String LRS endpoint URL
[cfg.auth] String Authorization token for the LRS, will be passed in the "Authorization" header.
[cfg.lessonIRI] String Obligatory if not provided in the params.
cfg.lessonTitle String
cfg.lessonDescription String Recommended if not provided in params.
[cfg.entry] String "ab-initio" or "resume"
[] Object Obligatory if not provided in params. Object Recommended if not provided in params. String User origin, usually location of the LMS. String User identifier.


Initializes an attempt. If no attemptIRI is provided one will be randomly generated. Sends an "initialize" statement using Statement API and updates attempt IRI table in the LRS using State API.

Kind: inner method of xAPI


Sends current lesson's attempt state for storage in the LRS using State API. Current attemptIRI that identifies this attempt is provided in cfg during initialization or randomly generated.

Kind: inner method of xAPI

Param Description
state.location Integer value defining last visited lesson page number.
state.state_string Base64 encoded state string from icPlayer.


Fetch state of the current attempt. Either synchronously or asynchronousy - by providing a callback. Uses State API.

Kind: inner method of xAPI

Param Type Description
cfg Object Configuration
[cfg.callback] function Provide a callback function for asynchronous usage.


Sends an "resume" statement, attemptIRI has to be provided during initialization.

Kind: inner method of xAPI

xAPI~suspendAttempt(score, [state])

Kind: inner method of xAPI

Param Type Description
score Object Score object for this attempt. Sent with Statement API.
score.max_score Number
score.min_score Number
score.raw_score Number
score.scaled_score Number
[score.session_time] String
[state] Object Last page index and state string. Sent with State API.
state.state_string String State string as returned by the icPlayer.
[state.location] Number Last page index

xAPI~completeAttempt(score, [state])

Kind: inner method of xAPI

Param Type Description
score Object Score object for this attempt. Sent with Statement API.
score.max_score Number
score.min_score Number
score.raw_score Number
score.scaled_score Number
[score.session_time] String
[state] Object Last page index and state string. Sent with State API.
state.state_string String State string as returned by the icPlayer.
[state.location] Number Last page index

xAPI~terminateAttempt(score, [state])

Kind: inner method of xAPI

Param Type Description
score Object Score object for this attempt. Sent with Statement API.
score.max_score Number
score.min_score Number
score.raw_score Number
score.scaled_score Number
[score.session_time] String
[state] Object Last page index and state string. Sent with State API.
state.state_string String State string as returned by the icPlayer.
[state.location] Number Last page index