The True False module is an alternative to the Choice module. It allows putting a single or multiple-choice activity in the presentation.
The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.
Property name | Description |
Is not an activity | With this option, the selected score and errors will not be returned by the module. |
Multi | Indicates whether the activity is in a multiple or single-choice mode. For a single-choice activity, it is enough to leave the box unchecked. | Questions | Questions list. Here you can insert your questions and answers.
Choices | Choice options list. i.e. "True" and "False" as possible choices. |
Lang attribute | This property allows defining the language for this module (different than the language of the lesson). |
Speech texts | List of speech texts: Selected, Deselected, Correct, Incorrect. This text will be read by the Text to Speech module after the user performs a certain action. |
Is disabled | Allows disabling the module so that the user is not able to interact with it. |
Printable | Allows to choose if the module should be included in the printout. |
Block splitting in print | If this checkbox is marked, and the "Don't randomize" or "Randomize" option is selected in the Printable property, then if the entire module will not fit on the printed page (Print preview), it will be moved to the next printed page. |
Supported commands
Command name | Params | Description |
isAllOK | --- | Returns "true" if all answers are selected correctly and there are no mistakes, otherwise "false". |
isAttempted | --- | Returns "true" if any answer to any question is selected. |
reset | --- | Resets the module. |
hide | --- | Hides the module if it is visible. |
show | --- | Shows the module if it is hidden. |
Custom Scoring
The True False module supports the Custom Scoring module. For more information about Custom Scoring see documentation.
Command name | Params | Description |
isSelected | questionIndex - index of a row. answerIndex - index of an answer. |
Returns "true" if an answer is selected, otherwise "false". |
markAsCorrect | questionIndex - index of a row. answerIndex - index of an answer. |
Marks the answer as correct. |
markAsWrong | questionIndex - index of a row. answerIndex - index of an answer. |
Marks the answer as wrong. |
markAsEmpty | questionIndex - index of a row. answerIndex - index of an answer. |
Marks the answer as empty. |
removeMark | questionIndex - index of a row. answerIndex - index of an answer. |
Removes the answer's mark. |
The True False module sends events to the Event Bus when the user selects an option. If the answer has already been selected and the question has only one answer possible ("Multi" property deselected), then the event is not sent.
Field name | Description |
Item | <Question_number>-<Answer_number> (i.e. 2-3 means that the 3rd answer has been (de)selected for the 2nd question.) |
Value | 1 for selection, 0 for deselection. |
Score | 1 for correct answer, 0 for wrong. |
When the user selects all answers properly without any error, the module sends the 'ALL OK' event. This event is different from the normal True False event and its structure is shown below.
Field name | Description |
Item | all |
Value | N/A |
Score | N/A |
The second event which is different from others is the 'ROW OK' event. This event is sent when all answers in a single row are correct.
Field name | Description |
Item | <row_number>-all (i.e. 2-all means that all answers were correct for the 2nd row.) |
Value | N/A |
Score | N/A |
Show Answers
This module is fully compatible with the Show Answers module and displays correct answers when an adequate event is sent.
CSS classes
Class name | Description |
.addon_TrueFalse .tf_radio, .tf_checkbox | Indicates the look of the table. |
.addon_TrueFalse .tf_radio_text, .tf_checkbox_text | Indicates the look of the table cell containing the choice icon. |
.addon_TrueFalse .tf_radio_image, .tf_checkbox_image | Indicates the look of the table cell containing the single/multi-choice icon. Icons are inner DIV elements with the 'background-image' property pointing to the icons' URL addresses. |
.addon_TrueFalse .tf_radio_image.last, .tf_checkbox_image.last | Indicates the look of the last table cell containing the single/multi-choice icon. |
.addon_TrueFalse .tf_radio_question, .tf_checkbox_question | Indicates the look of the table cell containing a question. |
.addon_TrueFalse .up | Standard state of the choice icon. |
.addon_TrueFalse .up.disabled | State when the choice icon isn't selected and check answers is pressed. |
.addon_TrueFalse .down | State when the choice icon is selected. |
.addon_TrueFalse .down.wrong | State when the choice icon is selected, and it is a wrong answer. |
.addon_TrueFalse .down.correct | State when the choice icon is selected, and it is a correct answer. |
.addon_TrueFalse .down.correct-answer | State when correct answers are displayed after the ShowAnswers event was sent. |
.addon_TrueFalse .mouse-hover | State of the choice icon on mouse hover. |
Demo presentation
Demo presentation showing how to use the True False module.