
Printing methods and modes


The player's printing functionality works by generating an html code with a simplified, printer-friendly version of the currently loaded lesson. This html can then be used to generate pdf files. After loading a lesson, use the player.preloadAllPages method to ensure that all pages are fully loaded. Optionally, you can also set the lesson state using the player.setState method (see the Display modes section for more details). Once all pages are loaded, you can use the player.getPrintableHTML method to generate the html code.

When displaying the generated html, make sure the available css styles are the same as those in the player's context – failure to do so may result in misalignment of modules or pagination issues. Also, it is recommended to call the getPrintableHTML method in the new player instance. Calling it on an already existing player with a lesson that the user has been interacting with may potentially lead to problems with the printou or interactive lesson.

Supported methods

All of the following methods are called on the player object.

Method name Params Description
preloadAllPages callback This method allows the user to preload all lesson pages. By default, the player uses lazy loading of lesson pages. However, for the getPrintableHTML and getPrintableHTMLWithSeed methods to work are loaded. No arguments will be passed to this method.
getPrintableHTML callback, randomizePages, randomizeModules, showAnswers, dpi This method will pass an html code for the printable version of the current lesson as an argument for the callback function.
  • callback – this is the callback method that will be called once the player has finished generationg the printable html. The html code will be passed to this method as its only argument.
  • randomizePages – boolean value specifying whether the pages' order should be randomized.
  • randomizePages – boolean value specifying whether the order of modules on a page should be randomized.
  • showAnswers – boolean value specifying whether the check/show answers mode should be used. More details below in the "Display modes" section.
  • dpi – Dots per inch value. This argument is necessary for proper pagination. Default value is 96.
getPrintableHTMLWithSeed callback, randomizePages, randomizeModules, showAnswers, dpi, seed This method works much like getPrintableHTML, except that it allows for explicitly seeding the random number generator used to randomize the pages' order and/or the order of modules on each page via the additional argument seed.

Display modes

Depending on whether a setState method has been called and the value of the showAnswers argument of the getPrintableHTML method, one of 4 display modes will be used.

Mode Conditions Description
Empty lesson setState: no,
showAnswers: no
Printout will display all modules without any answers.
Show Answers setState: no,
showAnswers: yes
Printout will display the lesson with all correct answers already selected.
Completed lesson setState: yes,
showAnswers: no
Printout will display the answers provided in the lesson state passed through the setState method.
Check Answers setState: yes,
showAnswers: yes
Similar to completed lesson, but additionally all user answers will marked as either correct or incorrect.