Create addon
Addons are used to extend the functionality of the player by providing new module types. You can find the source code for all addons under /addons folder.
Step 1: Create a folder for your addon
Lets say that you want to create an addon named MyAddon. First step is to create a directory: <icplayer>/addons/MyAddon
Then create the src subfolder.
Step 2: Create addon files
Addon consists of:
- addon.xml an XML file which describes the addon model and its metadata
- presenter.js a Javascript file which implements the addon functionality
- view.html an HTML view used in the player
- preview.html HTML preview used in the editor
- style.css CSS styles used by the addon.
- icon.png 64x64 icon representing this addon in the editor.
- resources folder (optional) folder with media files referenced from style.css.
Step 3: Create addon files
Add addon ID to registered addons list.
Step 4: Set addon name
The translatable addon name should be added to a localization file: dictionary.js under key <addon_id>_name.
Step 5: Register addon in player
To register the addon in the player (and the editor), modify AddonDescriptorFactory:
addDescriptor("MyAddonId", "Editor menu group")
Step 6: Add addon description
Addon description text should be added to localization file: dictionary.js under key <addon_id>_info.
Step 7: Build player
After building the player, the new addon will be added to the player distribution.