


The Text module allows inserting texts into a lesson, including a type of task called a "gap". A Text gap consists of three activity types:

  • a dropdown gap that enables choosing answers from a drop-down menu,
  • a draggable gap that can be filled in with an item selected from the Source List,
  • an editable gap that enables typing text manually into it,
  • a math gap, which is an editable gap working with MathJax.
  • a filled gap, which is an editable gap with a placeholder (Initial text).

All texts should be entered in the property called "Text". To define a certain type of text gap, it is required to use simple scripts presented below:

  • draggable and editable gap

\gap{blue} – blue is the correct answer that should be entered into the gap. "1" defines the value of the correct answer.

In case of more than one correct possibility, the script is a bit different:

\gap{blue|navy} – both options are correct, and they will be counted as such.

  • dropdown gap

{{1:blue|yellow|red}} – the first option is always the correct answer, in this case, it is "blue". "1" defines the value of a correct answer. If you want to keep the original order of the elements, check the 'Keep original order' property, and use the following formula: {one|two|1:three}, which means that "three" is the correct answer and 1 is the value of the correct answer.

  • math gap

Use the editable gap pattern inside MathJax brackets \( MathJax commands \). For example: \( \frac{1}{\gap{2}} \) will render a fraction with 1 as the nominator and an editable gap as the denominator, where the correct answer is 2.

Note: Keep in mind that the index of the gap in the module is defined by the order of the gaps written in the LaTeX formula. To properly navigate between gaps on a page in a situation where you have two gaps – one over another (e.g., integration limits), you should always define the upper limit first.

Example: \(\int^\gap{b}_\gap{a}f(x)dx\)

  • filled gap

If you want a gap with the introductory text (e.g., to be corrected by students), use the filled gap's syntax. For example: \filledGap{initial text|answer} will render a gap with "initial text" as a placeholder and "answer" as the right answer.

For more than one answer, you should use the syntax for a draggable and editable gap:

\filledGap{initial text|answer|another answer} where the first value is a placeholder, and the next two values are the answers.


It is possible to put definitions inside the Text module. To do it, use \def{my_id|word} syntax, and "word" will be displayed as a clickable element with an id – "my_id". Clicking on the definition will trigger a Definition event which can be used by other modules. The most common use involves cooperation with the Glossary module.

eKeyboard integration

It is possible to enter text into gaps using the eKeyboard module.


The Text module also allows inserting simple audio controls. They add the possibility of playing and stopping a sound. Though there may be more than one audio in the Text module, only one sound can be played simultaneously. To add an audio control, use the "Insert Audio" button on the toolbar of the text editor. Adding the audio control is also possible using the \audio{URL} syntax, where the URL is the URL of the audio resource.

Gap editor

The gap editor allows you to create a gap in a straightforward way. Depending on the gap type you want to create, you can choose:

  • Editable
  • Draggable
  • Filled

For example, to create the editable gap, you should choose Editable from the 'Add gap' option.

Then, you will see the editor window like the one presented below:

If you fill in the first input: "first" and the second input: "second", that's equivalent to: \gap{first|second}

In each case, if you choose the Editable, Dropdown, or Filled gap, simply click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to discard them.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Gap type This property serves for selecting a gap module type: Editable (dropdown and fillable gap), Draggable (requires the Source List module), or Math (when LaTeX is used).
Gap width This property allows defining the width of all gaps in the currently selected Text module.
Gap max length This property allows defining a maximum number of characters available to be put in each gap. If this property is set to zero, no restriction will be applied. If the gap's right answer is longer than the "Gap max length" property, the restriction for this gap will automatically increase to this length. For filled gaps, the length of the placeholder (Initial text) is also considered in determining the maximum number of characters.
Is activity This property allows defining whether the Text module is an activity or not. When it is not defined as an activity, the answers given are not taken into account in the overall result. It is useful e.g. for simulations.
Is disabled Allows disabling the module so that the user is not able to interact with it.
Case sensitive When this property is checked, it means that the letter case is important while giving answers.
Use numeric keyboard When enabled, gaps will activate the virtual numeric keyboard on mobile devices when selected. This will also cause the gaps to only accept numeric values.
Ignore punctuation This property allows ignoring punctuation marks while checking the correctness of answers.
Open external link in This property allows selecting the location for new pages opened via external links: New Tab (default) or the Same Tab.
Text This property allows inserting text into the module. Here it is also possible to define different types of gaps together with the required answers.
Keep Original Order This property lets you keep the original order of elements in the dropdown gaps.
Clear placeholder on focus This property allows clearing the placeholder (Initial text) on clicking in a filled gap.
Value type This property allows defining characters to be put into a gap. If characters that are not allowed will be put into a gap, they will be automatically removed when the user exits the gap. There are four values to choose from: Numbers only, Letters only, Alphanumeric, and All. The default value of this property is set to "All".
Block wrong answers With this option checked, wrong answers are removed, and the "on wrong" event is sent.
User action events With this option checked, the Text module will send the ValueChanged event on every change made in a gap.
Use escape character in gap This property allows using the backslash ('\') to escape special characters in dropdown gaps. Backslash can escape e.g.: ':', '\'.
Speech texts Sets the values of speech texts - predefined phrases providing additional context while using the module in the Text To Speech mode. Speech texts are always read using the content's default language.
Lang attribute This property allows defining the language for this module (different than the language of the lesson).
Gap size calculation method Allows to choose between the "All characters" and the "Longest answer". This property is used only if the "Gap width" property is set to 0.
Printable Allows to choose if the module should be included in the printout.
is section If this checkbox is marked, and the "Randomize" option is selected in the Printable property, then the first Text module will always be displayed before the second Text module in the Print preview.
Block splitting in print If this checkbox is marked, and the "Don't randomize" or "Randomize" option is selected in the Printable property, then if the entire module will not fit on the printed page (Print preview), it will be moved to the next printed page.
Ignore placeholder in check answers mode If this property is marked, then the placeholder (Initial text) in the filled gap will not be counted as the wrong answer if the user does not interact with the gap.
Group answers Grouping answers allows defining the groups to which the given gaps will belong. Groups change the calculation of scores and maximum scores for gaps belonging to the group. Gaps that are in a group do not have their own scores (when the score and maximum score are calculated). If a correct answer is given to each gap in the group, then the module will get 1 point. Otherwise, the number of points will not increase.

This property changes data in the ValueChanged event due to a change in the value of the gap in the group.

To create a group, provide indexes (1-based indexes of gaps in text) in the following formats:
Separated by a comma: "1,2".
In range: "1-3".
Single number: "2".
Mixed format: "1-3,5".

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
setText text Changes the text inside the module.
getGapText index - 1-based index of the gap Returns the gap's text entered by the user.
setGapText index, text Changes the text inside the gap. Command supported only when "editable" is selected as the "Gap type".
markGapAsCorrect index - 1-based index of the gap Marks the gap as correct.
markGapAsWrong index - 1-based index of the gap Marks the gap as wrong.
markGapAsEmpty index - 1-based index of the gap Marks the gap as empty.
hide Hides the module if it is visible.
show Shows the module if it is hidden.
enableGap index - 1-based index of the gap Enables the gap.
enableAllGaps --- Enables all gaps.
disableGap index - 1-based index of the gap Disables the gap.
disableAllGaps --- Disables all gaps.
isAllOK --- Returns "true" if all gaps are filled in correctly and there are no mistakes, otherwise, it is "false".
isAttempted --- Returns "true" if all the gaps are filled in. This command is not available if the module has the 'Is Activity' property deselected.
getView --- Returns HTML element, which is the container of the module.

Calculating gaps index

It's important to know that for each kind of gap, the calculating order is:

  1. First, all editable gaps are counted (both \gap{} and \filledgap{}),
  2. Next, dropdown gaps are counted.


In this case, the getGapText(8) method returns the text of a dropdown gap, not the last gap.

Decimal separator

Different countries use different decimal separators. In the Text module, the default one is a dot ('.') character but it doesn't mean that the user is forced to use this one. Thanks to the Advanced Connector module, it's possible to change the decimal separator 'on the fly'. It can be done by using a simple JavaScript replace() function. Let's assume that there is a Slider module and its current step value (from 1 to 36) should be inserted in some equations and displayed using the Text module's setText command.


var text = presenter.playerController.getModule('Text1');
var slider = presenter.playerController.getModule('Slider1');
var currentValue = sliderModule.getCurrentStep();
var calculatedValue = (parseInt(currentValue, 10) - 18) / 5;

calculatedValue = '' + calculatedValue;

if (calculatedValue !== '0') {
calculatedValue = calculatedValue.replace("\.", ",");

text.setText('Calculated value: ' + calculatedValue);



When using a setText or setGapText method within the Advanced Connector script to insert MathJax notation into the Text module, it is important to remember that '\' is an escape character. As such, double '\\' should be used whenever a backslash is required, such as "\\(x^2\\)".


The Text module sends the ValueChanged events to the Event Bus when the user changes the value of a gap.
The ValueChanged event when the gap is not defined in the Group answers property:

Field name Description
Item index - 1-based index of the gap
Value gap value
Score n for correct answer (where n is a maximum score for the given gap), 0 for wrong

The ValueChanged event when the gap is defined in the Group answers property:

Field name Description
Item index - 1-based index of the gap
Value gap value
Score "correct" for correct answer, "wrong" for wrong

The Text module sends an additional ValueChanged event to the Event Bus when the user changes the value of a gap in a group and all gaps of this group are filled in.

Field name Description
Item Group index ("Group" + 1-based index of group answers)
Value N/A
Score 1 for correct answers, 0 for wrong

When the user clicks on a definition, it will trigger a definition event.

Field name Description
word id of the definition.

Audio added to the module has its own events.

The audio in the Text module sends the ValueChanged type events to the Event Bus when the audio begins to play.

Field name Description
Item Current item
Value playing
Score N/A

When playback time changes, audio in the Text module sends a relevant event to the Event Bus.

Field name Description
Item Current item
Value Current time (in MM:SS format)
Score N/A

The pause event occurs when the audio in the Text module is paused.

Field name Description
Item Current item
Value pause
Score N/A

When audio playback is finished, audio in the Text module sends the OnEnd event to the Event Bus.

Field name Description
Item Current item
Value end
Score N/A

Show Answers

All types of gaps in the Text module are fully compatible with the Show Answers module and correct answers are displayed when an adequate event is sent.

CSS classes

Class name Description
.text_gap Indicates the look of the gap that can be completed by typing the answer into it.
.text_gap-correct A way of indicating the right answer.
.text_gap-wrong A way of indicating the wrong answer.
.text_gap-empty A way of indicating the empty gap.
.ic_inlineChoice-correct A way of indicating the right answer in a drop-down menu.
.ic_inlineChoice-wrong A way of indicating the wrong answer in a drop-down menu.
.ic_inlineChoice-correct-answer A way of indicating the correct answer in a drop-down menu in the show answers mode.
.ic_draggableGapEmpty A way of displaying the empty gap.
.ic_draggableGapFilled A way of displaying the filled gap.
.ic_draggableGapFilled-correct A way of indicating the right answer in the filled gap.
.ic_draggableGapFilled-wrong A way of indicating the wrong answer in the filled gap.
.ic_draggableGapFilled-correct-answer A way of indicating the correct answer in the draggable gap in the show answers mode.
.ic_filled_gap Indicates the look of the filled gap.
.ic_filled_gap-correct A way of indicating the correct answer in the filled gap.
.ic_filled_gap-wrong A way of indicating the wrong answer in the filled gap.
.ic_filled_gap-correct-answer A way of indicating the correct answer in the filled gap in the show answers mode.
.ic_gap-correct-answer A way of indicating the correct answer in the editable gap in the show answers mode.


1. Text:

.text {
    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 20px;
    line-height: 23px;
    color: #993399;
    border: 2px solid #009999;
    border-radius: 7px;
    padding: 10px;
    text-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #616161;
    box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #406d93;
    background: #ffffff;

2.1. Gap:

.ic_gap {
    height: 15px;
    width: 108px;

2.2. Gap — correct:

.ic_gap-correct {
    background-image: url('/file/serve/79016');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    padding-left: 19px;
    border: 2px solid #009900;

2.3. Gap — wrong:

.ic_gap-wrong {
    background-image: url('/file/serve/77022');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    padding-left: 19px;
    border: 2px solid #f74224;

3.1. Inline Choice — correct:

.ic_inlineChoice-correct {
    border: 2px solid #009900;

3.2. InlineChoice — wrong:

.ic_inlineChoice-wrong {
    border: 2px solid #f74224;

4.1. Draggable Gap Empty:

.ic_draggableGapEmpty {
    height: 25px;
    line-height: 23px;
    border: 1px solid #9e9e9e;
    border-radius: 4px;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;

4.2. Draggable Gap Filled:

.ic_draggableGapFilled {
    height: 25px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    line-height: 23px;
    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px solid #9e9e9e;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: #fff7b2;
    border-radius: 4px;
    cursor: pointer;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 17px;
    color: #656565;
    font-family: Verdana;
    font-weight: bold;

4.3. Draggable Gap Filled — correct:

.ic_draggableGapFilled-correct {
    padding-left: 12px;
    background-image: url('/file/serve/79016');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

4.4. Draggable Gap Filled — wrong:

.ic_draggableGapFilled-wrong {
    padding-left: 12px;
    background-image: url('/file/serve/77022');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Keyboard navigation

  • Tab – navigate to the next gap.
  • Shift + Tab – navigate to the previous gap.

Dropdown gaps:

  • Space – expand the choice options.
  • up/down arrows – choose a gap.
  • Enter – accept.

Draggable gaps:

  • Space – insert the currently selected item into a gap or remove an item from a gap.

Demo presentation

Demo presentation contains examples of how to use the Text module.