
Check and Reset buttons


"Check" and "Reset" buttons help users perform different actions in the presentation, such as checking answers whether they are correct or wrong or resetting all answers marked in an activity. It is possible to change their look & feel depending on the action we are about to perform.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Check -> Check text Text displayed while not in the selected state.
Check -> Uncheck text Text displayed while in the selected state.
Check -> Speech texts List of speech texts: Selected, Correct, Wrong, Percentage result, Page edition is blocked, Page edition is not blocked. This text will be read by the Text to Speech module after the user performs a certain action.
Check -> Disable score update When selected, entering check answers mode will not increase the check and mistakes counters.
Reset -> Title Text displayed inside the module.
Reset -> Reset only wrong answers Resets wrong answers in the following modules: Connection, Choice.
Reset -> Confirm reset If this property is marked, clicking the Reset button will display a popup allowing the user to confirm or cancel the reset action.
Reset -> Confirmation info Text that will appear on the reset confirmation popup that will be displayed if the "Confirm reset" property is marked.
Reset -> Confirmation yes text Text that will appear on the button confirming the reset action. The button is located on the reset confirmation popup that will be displayed if the "Confirm reset" property is marked.
Reset -> Confirmation no text Text that will appear on the button canceling the reset action. The button is located on the reset confirmation popup that will be displayed if the "Confirm reset" property is marked.
Reset -> Speech texts List of speech texts: Page has been reset, Page has not been reset. This text will be read by the Text to Speech module after the user performs a certain action.

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
show --- Shows the module if it is hidden.
hide --- Hides the module if it is visible.

CSS classes

Class name Description
.ic_button_check Indicates the look of the Check answers button.
.ic_button_check-up-hovering Indicates the look of the Check answers button while putting a mouse cursor on it.
.ic_button_check-down-hovering Indicates the look of the Check answers button while clicking on it.
.ic_button_uncheck Indicates the look of the Uncheck button. This module enables checking the answers given by the user. It is displayed after clicking the Check module. If the user wishes to change their answers, they should click the Uncheck button or use the Reset option.
.iic_button_reset Indicates the look of the Reset button.
.ic_button_reset-up-hovering Indicates the look of the Reset button while putting a mouse cursor on it.


1.1. Check:

1.2. Check — up-hovering:

1.3. Check — down-hovering:

1.4. Uncheck:
background-image: url('/file/serve/116044');

2.1. Reset:

2.2. Reset — up-hovering:

2.3. Reset — down-hovering:

Custom CSS Class names

Example of a custom CSS class:
background-color: blue;