
Geometric Construct


The Geometric Construct module allows the user to create, move, edit, and delete geometric figures within the workspace.

To add a new geometric figure to the workspace, select it from the toolbar and click the workspace to indicate the place where it should be added. The created figure can then be edited by selecting the Cursor tool from the toolbar and using it to move elements of the geometric figure to the desired position. To delete the geometric figure from the workspace, select it using the Cursor tool and then click the trash icon in the lower right corner of the workspace.


Property name Description
Stroke color Specifies the stroke color used while drawing the geometric figures ("black" by default)
Fill color Specifies the fill color used while drawing the geometric figures ("blue" by default)
Figures The property allows the author to define which figures will be available in the module as well as their labels.
Labels This property allows the author to change the text labels used by the module (labels used by the figures are defined in the "Figures" property instead).
Labels visibility If checked, the labels of geometric figures in the workspace will be visible by default.
Angle measures visibility If checked, the values of angles in the workspace will be visible by default.
Disable undo/redo buttons If checked, the undo/redo buttons will no longer be visible in the toolbar. The nextState and prevState commands will still be available.
Disable reset button If checked, the reset button will no longer be visible in the toolbar. The reset command will still be available.
Disable 'toggle labels' button If checked, the toggle labels button will no longer be visible in the toolbar. The showLabels and hideLabels commands will still be available.
X-axis position The default position of the x-axis, starting from the top edge of the workspace, measured in pixels. If left empty, the x-axis will be displayed in the middle of the workspace.
Y-axis position The default position of the y-axis, starting from the left edge of the workspace, measured in pixels. If left empty, the y-axis will be displayed in the middle of the workspace.
Axis increment The increment used when labeling ticks on the axis. For instance, if set to 3, the ticks will be labeled 3, 6, 9, 12 etc. The default value is 1.
Unit length The default length of a single unit of measure in pixels. The default value is 25.
Axis color Specifies the color of the axis. The default value is #444444.
Grid color Specifies the color of the grid in the workspace. If left empty, the grid will not be displayed.
Hide x-axis When selected, the x-axis will not be displayed in the workspace.
Hide y-axis When selected, the y-axis will not be displayed in the workspace.
Angle's decimal point This property specifies how many digits past the decimal point of an angle's value should be displayed. The default value is 0.
Length's decimal point This property specifies how many digits past the decimal point of a length measure's value should be displayed. The default value is 0.
Length measures visibility If checked, the length measures in the workspace will be visible by default.

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
hide --- Hides the module if it is visible.
show --- Shows the module if it is hidden.
reset --- Resets the module to the default value.
prevState --- Undoes recent changes. The module stores up to 20 previous states of the workspace.
nextState --- Restores the changes that were undone by the prevState.
showLabels --- Displays the labels of the geometric figures in the workspace if they are hidden.
hideLabels --- Hides the labels of the geometric figures in the workspace if they are visible.
showAngleMeasures --- Displays the values of the angles in the workspace if they are hidden.
hideAngleMeasures --- Hides the values of angles in the workspace if they are visible.

CSS Classes

Class name Description
.geometricConstructLabel The label next to points in the workspace.
.toolbar_wrapper The toolbar.
.toolbarButton The options with the toolbar.
.workspace_wrapper The workspace.

Demo presentation

Demo presentation contains examples of how to use the Geometric Construct module.